Monday, September 1, 2008

Gegenoatatoltimg: Sharing the Knowledge

Gegenoatatoltimg: Sharing the Knowledge is a joint initiative between the First Nations Centre of NAHO and the Elsipogtog (pronounced Elzi’buktuk) Health and Wellness Centre. This is a traditional gathering to bring people together to share traditional knowledge, medicine and healing.

From September 8-14, 2008, I will be on the traditional territory of of the Mi’kmaq people at the Elsipogtog First Nation (formerly called the Big Cove Band) in New Brunswick.

The purpose of my attendance is to be a NAHO resource person promoting the organization’s resources and to be a key media liaison person for the event.

The First Nations Centre of NAHO has two key resources on Traditional Knowledge. They are the Traditional Knowledge Toolkit and a report on the Traditional Healing Circle of Elders.

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