Friday, September 10, 2010

NAHO Announces a Contest in Celebration of World Suicide Prevention Day

Ottawa, ON – In celebration of World Suicide Prevention Day, the National Aboriginal Health Organization (NAHO) announces an exciting new contest of the Honouring Life Network (HLN). The HLN is a web site that offers culturally relevant suicide prevention resources and information to First Nations, Inuit and Métis youth and youth workers.

The contest is entitled, How Do YOU Honour Life? and is open to First Nations, Inuit and Métis youth between the ages of 17 to 30.

Dr. Paulette C. Tremblay, Chief Executive Officer of NAHO states, “There is a need to encourage and facilitate positive dialogue with our youth to increase protective factors and decrease the stigma and shame associated with suicide.”

Youth are encouraged to submit an entry into one of three categories: multimedia, visual or written. These will represent creative expressions, experiences, thoughts and initiatives on how they honour life and approach suicide prevention and awareness in their communities.

The top 5 entries in each category will be showcased on the HLN web site to inspire others to Honour Life each and every day. The winner of each category, who will be selected by the HLN Youth Advisory Committee, will receive a free Flip video camera.

For full contest details and information about the Honouring Life Network go to

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Embrace Culture! Celebrate! Experience & Live Life the Inuit Way

Join us on World Suicide Prevention Day on Parliament Hill

Who: All Inuit and non-Inuit neighbours

What: Traditional Inuit activities and performances

Where: Parliament Hill behind the Centennial Flame

When: Friday, September 10, 2010, 12:30 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. rain or shine

Why: To celebrate and promote the Inuit way of life

Water and light country food snacks will be available but please bring your own lunch and beverage.

For further information please contact:

National Inuit Youth Council
Shelly Watkins

Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada
Sipporah Enauraq

Inuit Tuttarvingat, NAHO
Denise Rideout

Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami
Patricia D’Souza

PLEASE NOTE: Vehicles, chairs, props and tables are not permitted. Signs must be carried, not staked to the ground or fixtures. Thank you for your co-operation in making this a successful event!

Thursday, September 2, 2010



Unity, Diversity, Respect

This will be a moderated discussion on the use of First Nations, Inuit and Métis Traditional Knowledge and Cultural Safety in Health Research and Health Care Delivery.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010, 6:00 p.m.
Doors and Refreshments at 5:30 p.m.

National Arts Centre, Fountain Room, 2nd floor
53 Elgin Street, Ottawa, Ontario

Please RSVP: 613-237-9462 or

The National Aboriginal Health organization (NAHO) is committed to affirming traditional Aboriginal healing and medicine to ensure that these practices receive recognition and respect.

More info >>

Dr. Paulette C. Tremblay, Chief Executive Officer, NAHO

Valorie Whetung, Director, First Nations Centre, NAHO
Dianne Kinnon, Director, Inuit Tuttarvingat, NAHO
Catherine Graham, Director, Métis Centre, NAHO
Simon Brascoupé, Senior Adviser, Aboriginal Relations and Initiatives Unit, NAHO